- Rails url helpers as liquid filters (14 May 2019 | Tags: rails, liquid, filters)
- ej2 DataManager with Rails (16 Mar 2019 | Tags: rails, xhr, ej2)
- Rails credentials gone bad (05 Mar 2019 | Tags: rails, bug, credentials)
- Rspec: Shared context for DRY controller tests (03 Sep 2018 | Tags: rails, rspec)
- sitemap_generator using lastmod date from git repo (28 Jun 2018 | Tags: rails, sitemap, git)
- Rails: Select tag with day of the week (03 Jun 2018 | Tags: rails, i18n)
- index is nil in a fields_for nested attributes (06 May 2018 | Tags: rails, nested attributes, accepts_nested_attributes_for, views)
- Use view helpers in your mailers (12 May 2017 | Tags: rails, ActionMailer)
- adva_cms first release (29 Jan 2009 | Tags: advacms, rails)
- Rails is merging into merb (23 Dec 2008 | Tags: rails, merb)
- date_select with fewer selects (30 Nov 2007 | Tags: rails)
AWS ActionMailer DelayedJob DevOp EC2 Elasticbeanstalk Google Chart HDD MongoDB MySQL PS1 SSL certificates Server UX accepts_nested_attributes_for advacms api aws backup beanstalk bitbucket brute force bug camera coveralls credentials data rescue debugging dsl ej2 elasticsearch filters fix gem git i18n inherited_resources jekyll laptop linux liquid mechanical problem merb minimalism mobile mongodb mongoid moped naiku nested attributes nginx nodejs pipeline presentation pundit rails request rspec ruby ruby on rails server sftp shell sitemap sound speakers stimulusjs test user views xhr